Depending on the nature of a visa, green card or citizenship matter, certain applications can reasonably be performed by an individual with or without the representation of an Immigration Attorney. However, even “simple” matters can quickly become more complicated than anticipated, and of course it is always the most conservative approach to be represented by experienced counsel, or at least to first consult with one before proceeding to make sure there are no important issues or considerations that may have been overlooked. Of course, because U.S. immigration law can be inordinately complicated, many matters cannot be reasonably performed by an individual without working with a knowledgeable immigration professional. These include matters such as immigration defense, business, employment, and investment petitions, visa applications for those with prior crimes and other immigration violations such as fraud, and a number of other complex matters.
At Surowitz Immigration, PC, we conduct open and honest consultations about the benefits and relative need of the services of an Immigration Attorney. We never attempt to “scare” clients into believing a case is more complicated than it is, or create a more optimistic impression about the ultimate prospects for success than is the case.